Olly is constantly
researching sleep, light,
and circadian rhythms.
This is a space where
we share our research
with you.

On : March 7th, 2022

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  • 01

    빛과 생체리듬

    빛과 생체리듬

    Note 1-1
    빛의 생리적 작용을 감지하는 기관의 발견 : 제3광수용체
    Ref. Alerting effects of light. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 11(6), 453-464.1 Van Bommel, W. J. (2006). Cajochen, C. (2007).
    Note 1-2
    햇빛과 행복, 숙면의 상관관계 : 세로토닌과 멜라토닌
    Control of melatonin synthesis in the mammalian pineal gland: the critical role of serotonin acetylation - Surajit ⋯
    Note 1-3
    생체리듬에 영향을 미치는 파장 : 480nm
    A "melanopic" spectral efficiency function predicts the sensitivity of melanopsin photoreceptors to polychromatic ⋯
    Note 1-4
    480nm 빛이 풍부한 시각은?
    [ Circadian Rhythm and Human Health ], Joan E. Roberts, Department of Natural Sciences, Room 813, Fordham ⋯
    Note 1-5
    낮시간 반복적인 빛노출과 수면의 관계 연구
    Nana N. Takasu, Satoko Hashimoto (2006), Repeated exposures to daytime bright light increase nocturnal ⋯
    Note 1-6
    Human Centric Lighting
    Massimo Di Nicolantonio, Emilio Rossi (2020). The human centric lighting approach for the design of Age-Friendly ⋯
    Note 1-7
    레일리의 산란 공식
    Rayleigh, Lord (1899). "On the transmission of light through an atmosphere containing small particles in suspension ⋯
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    일주기와 크로노타입

    일주기와 크로노타입

    Note 2-1
    일주기 리듬의 중요성에 대한 아티클 발췌
    Leslie Kaufman (2017), Your schedule could be killing you, Popular Science, 2017 Sep 11.
    Note 2-2
    (Article) Danielle Pacheco, Dr. Anis Rehman (2021) Chornotypes. Sleep foundation
    Note 2-3
    미국인들의 크로노타입에 대한 대규모 연구 - 성별과 나이에 따른 영향
    Dorothee Fischer, David A. Lombardi (2017), Chronotypes in the US – Influence of age and sex, Plos one
    Note 2-4
    만성적인 시차 교란과 사망률 증가 (나이든 쥐 실험)
    AJ Davidson & MT Sellix (2006) University of Virginia, Chronic Jet-lag Increases Mortality in Aged Mice ⋯
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    수면과 건강

    수면과 건강

    Note 3-1
    수면시간과 만성질환 발병률의 관계
    Yong Liu, MD1; Anne G. Wheaton, PhD1, CDC Weekly, (2014) Prevalence of Healthy Sleep Duration among Adults ⋯
    Note 3-2
    수면부족은 비만에 이르게한다
    Kyuwoong Kim,Doosup Shin, (2017) , Association between sleep duration, fat mass, lean mass and obesity in ⋯
    Note 3-3
    수면의 단계
    Iber C, Ancoli-Israel S (2007), The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: rules, ⋯
    Note 3-4
    만성 불면증의 원인 (Spielman 의 3P모델)
    Eun Lee, MD (2020), Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia, Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University College of ⋯
    Note 3-5
    수면부족이 피부 노화에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
    Oyetakin White P & Matsui MS (2013) , University Hospitals Case Medical Center. "Sleep deprivation linked to aging ⋯
    Note 3-6
    수면 위생 - 숙면을 위한 행동 가이드들
    Eric Suni & Dr. Nilong Vyas(2021), Sleep Hygiene, Sleep Foundation November 29, 2021.
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    올리 개발노트

    올리 개발노트

    Note 4-1
    Samsung HCL LED 실험데이터
    Samsung Virtual Lighting Exhibition: Human Centric Lighting Solutions
    Note 4-2
    Olly Day 집중 효과 검증 실험
    [Organization] Luple(Olly) , KAIST (Korea Advanced Instituted of Science and Technology)
    Note 4-3
    올리 Day & Night 인증 및 신뢰성 데이터
    Luple Inc. Olly Day & Olly Night
    Note 4-4
    불면증 인지행동치료에 대한 연구
    Chang Hyun Jang, Seok Hyeon Kim (2013), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia, Hanyang Med Rev ⋯
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    We spread the value of the right to live according to a natural rhythm
    We dream the world where everyone cares more about their mental & emotional wellness in a daily basis